Sectors HR translations

HR translations

Empower global workforces.

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Simplifying global HR management

The world has seen major changes in the way we work. As businesses expand across borders and cultures, human resource management must maintain a coherent global standard while adapting to local customs.

That’s why investing in HR translations that simplify your communications and processes is the key to success. This demonstrates your core values and increases engagement.

Attached’s team of specialists are here to help. We’ll advise you on:

  • What needs to be localized
  • The best channels of communication for each global team
  • Legal translations, like contracts, for global workforces

Comprehensive support for global employment

Effectively managing global employment requires comprehensive support throughout the entire lifecycle of an employee. At Attached, we understand the significance of this challenge and provide tailored services to address it. Our team is experienced in handling various HR-specific materials essential at different stages of employment, including:

HR Translations

Streamlining communication

The effectiveness of your Human Resources department and the overall success of your company hinge on the seamless execution of communications, policies and values. At Attached, we offer HR translation services that enable you to achieve excellence by streamlining a wide range of communication types.

Whether it’s internal memos, employee handbooks or other critical documents, our team ensures that your messages are clear, concise and culturally appropriate.

As a multinational employer ourselves, we understand the importance of effectively conveying messages to your team and demonstrating their value. In fact, we were honoured with the Best Employer in Localization Award in 2022, recognizing us as the top Language Service Provider for Career Progression.

Let our expertise work for you

Ready to inform, train and support your global teams? Look no further than Attached. With decades of experience in multinational operations and expertise in communications, we’re the partner you can rely on. Allow us to help you find the best solution for your specific needs.

Reach out to our dedicated team today and share the details of your projects. We’re eager to hear from you and leverage our knowledge and skills to support your global endeavors.

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