Solutions Proofreading

Proofreading services

Final checks with a professional touch.

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Proofreading services

If your message is already well-constructed, Attached’s proofreaders can perform a thorough check on grammar, spelling and punctuation and in any language you need.

Our proofreading service is a review of the final draft of a text that has already been edited, correcting minor errors that may have missed. Both editing and proofreading are important steps in the revision process; having a professional proofreader go over each page guarantees quality before publication.

Why proofreading?

Great writing always requires an editing stage. An editor will make your text well-organized and coherent to keep your audience reading. Still, a final check should be part of the revision process to refine the details.

Here are the benefits of proofreading:

  • Makes sure linguistic elements are checked and approved.
  • Act as a fresh pair of eyes, proofreaders catch even the smallest of errors in a fraction of the time.

Mistakes can be costly, so having your text proofread gives you peace of mind.

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Comprehensive proofreading for accuracy

On top of looking for typos, grammatical errors and linguistic elements, the proofreading service also involves correcting capitalization, formatting and word choice. The correct forms can vary among countries that speak the same language. Knowing the right grammatical rules that each target language follows can be perplexing. Luckily, there’s no need to stress over the small details – we’re here to help.

We offer proofreading services for many languages and sectors performed by native speakers. Businesses and individuals rely on our attention to detail to deliver the most compelling text possible.

Trust in Attached’s experts

Make a big impression on your readers and clients. Let us maximize your message’s impact and reach around the world. Attached‘s proofreaders are trained in their respective specializations and carefully follow style guidelines to polish all your important texts. Rest assured that our professionals will refine your writing and provide you with the peace of mind that your message is flawlessly presented.

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